Empire of The Sun!

Today seems like the perfect day to post empire of the sun remixes :)
Perfect sunny day in california :) That burns my skin T.T

Empire of the Sun is an Australian electronic music duo which formed in 2007.The duo is currently composed of Luke Steele of The Sleepy Jackson [alt-rock band] and Nick Littlemore of Pnau [great electronic band].

As you might already know, their songs are veeeeery veeeery slow, they have good lyrics, but god! they are slow. Their most famous track is "walking on a dream" and has reached platinum sales--and also their track "we are the people" reached gold, and "standing on the shore" gained nothing :P but hahaha, it's their other single...

The first song that heard for them was this remix, that might be why i don't like their original songs that much.
empire of the sun- walking on a dream [johan baath]

empire of the sun- walking on a dream (Kids At The Bar remix)

Empire of the Sun- We Are The People (Burns Remix)

Empire of the sun- We Are The People (jimmy2sox remix)

Empire of the Sun - Standing on the Shore (LIFELIKE Remix)

1 comment:

  1. We need more Electro Funk Base!!!
